New Campaign Map Made in Google Docs
I'm a big fan of Google Docs - I use it for pretty much everything I do that isn't work related. The ability to keep everything online where I can get to it from anywhere is a huge advantage for me,...
View ArticleTankards and Broadswords RPG: Playtest Session 1
So last night I ran my first playtest of the TnB rules. It went well, better than I expected actually. I'll provide a brief rundown of what happened and a few observations at the conclusion.There...
View ArticleBoskone 49: A Few Sci-Fi Convention Observations
I attended the Saturday and Sunday sessions of Boskone 49 this past weekend. For those of you who don't know, Boskone is a literary-focused (but less so over the years) science-fiction convention held...
View ArticleNANOK is Coming...
"This barbarian, this man of the Iron Wastes, was known only as Nanok. Rumored to have been raised by wolves, Nanok thrived and grew among the giant, rusted bones and shattered crystal tears of a...
View ArticleBook Review: The New Death by James Hutchings
I read this book in bits and pieces over the course of a week. There's a great mix of prose and poetry in here, and while the tone shifts from piece to piece, I think everything is well-written and...
View ArticleComing Soon: NANOK and the Tower of Sorrows
Nanok, wandering swordsman of the Iron Wastes, makes a deal with the Wizard King Midar to steal the mighty Sunsword from the Tower of Sorrows, lair of the dreaded sorcerer, Draaa'kon the Bleak.Pursued...
View ArticleOn Sale Now: NANOK And the Tower of Sorrows
The short story is now Live and available for purchase or Kindle Lending Library borrowing. I uploaded the story to Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing site around 9:30 last night, and it went live...
View ArticleNeverwinter Nights: D&D 3E Done Right
So after writing my Sword & Sorcery short, I started jonesing for some kind of video game hack-and-slash action. I had played Neverwinter Nights Diamond Edition a few years ago, but didn't get all...
View ArticleTankards and Broadswords RPG: Playtest Session 2
Last night's game was supposed to have a third player, but he wasn't able to attend, instead, I quickly whipped up an NPC Captain of the Blue Tower Guards, a warrior named Alcarn. One goal of the game...
View ArticleJohn Carter Sucked, or Why Hollywood Thinks too Hard
Warning, there are some spoilers ahead. Of course, if you actually care about this, you probably want to know what they are, so you can avoid this film and watch it on Netflix a year from now.I saw...
View ArticleGardner F. Fox - My Favorite D&D Author
Over at Grognardia yesterday James discusses the Fox short story that appeared in the first issue of Dragon magazine. Shadow of a Demon was a fun, simple, straightforward Sword & Sorcery adventure...
View ArticleThe Badassitude of Guin Saga
Since this weekend is the Anime Boston convention here in my fair city, I thought today's post would be appropriate. I'm not a huge fan of Anime in general, but there are a number of titles I really...
View ArticleMy Vigilante Revenge Thriller "Killer Instincts" is Now Available
After a two-year gestation, my vigilante revenge novel Killer Instincts has gone live on Amazon via Kindle Direct Publishing. If you're interested in checking it out, click on the link in the left-hand...
View ArticleAwesome New Review for NANOK!
I really wish Amazon had a feature for authors that allowed you to be alerted when a new review was posted of your works, because this one's a few days old. However, I just have to share with you the...
View ArticleBook Review: The Pirates of Alnari by Dan Eldredge
Click Above to Visit the Book's Amazon PagePlease pardon the forthcoming preface, but I think it's important to set this review in the proper context... The indie publishing explosion over the last few...
View ArticleMovie Review: The Hobbit - An Unexpected Journey (2012)
I went to see this movie with six other people, ranging from die-hard Tolkien fans to those who were tagging along mostly just to see a movie with their friends. At the end of this three-hour...
View ArticleNANOK Gets a New Cover!
Ander Plana, the artist responsible for the excellent new cover gracing Operation Arrowhead has now provided me with a cover for my pastiche Swords & Sorcery short story, NANOK and the Tower of...
View ArticleFREE TODAY: The Pirates of Alnari by Dan Eldredge
Click Above to Visit the Book's Amazon PageMy good friend Dan Eldredge's debut novel is free today on Amazon. If you dig pirates, swordfighting, intrigue, sex and violence, this book is definitely...
View ArticleTankards and Broadswords Awakens!
So...yeah! It's been a couple of years since I posted, but I'm resurrecting this blog because of a number of developments in the Fantasy / Gaming front going on over here. Many thanks to those of you...
View ArticleMy First Game of BOLT ACTION WW2 Miniatures Wargaming
Over two years ago (wow!) I picked up the BOLT ACTION core rules book, several Army Books, and a small force of British Commandos (naturally - new readers, look to the left of this article...). I...
View ArticleMy RPG Publishing Malaise
Thinking back, I have been pondering the notion of "homebrew" role-playing game systems since I started gaming around 1993. I don't remember the specifics, but I do remember getting the "Amazing...
View ArticleThoughts on My First Fifth Edition DnD Campaign
Last night I wrapped the twelfth session of my summer-long Fifth Edition Dungeons & Dragons campaign. Since one of the players goes back to working nights during the school year, and the rest of us...
View ArticleWargaming Wednesday: The Pure Insanity of Warhammer 40,000
NOTE: Cross-posting this from my Post Modern Pulps Blog, going to post one of these a day until I get caught up, and then I'm going to cross-post Wargaming Wednesdays every week. I'm dedicating...
View ArticleStill Working on this Role-Playing Game Because I am an Idiot
The title pretty much sums it up. Don't have much to add here, but with the whole COVID-19 thing I've found myself at home a whole lot more, started a D&D 5E Zoom campaign for a few friends,...
View ArticleThe Map for my Current DnD Campaign
So maybe two months ago, when we all realized that lockdown wasn't just going to last a couple of weeks, a number of us agreed to try playing a Dungeons and Dragons game over Zoom with myself as the DM...
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